CONTROL Gallery"Exhibition 001:POST GRAFFITI"Catalog

CONTROL Gallery "Exhibition 001: POST GRAFFITI" Catalogue - Hunt Tokyo

Graffiti provides freedom of expression for individuals and groups. Artists convey social messages and seek aesthetic value by reflecting their identities and emotions on walls and public spaces. Graffiti stimulates creativity. It is also an important place for young people and artists.っています。

Graffiti brings a new visual element to the urban environment, enriching the city's art scene and turning public walls and spaces into canvases for artwork, revitalizing the cityscape and increasing its value as an attractive place. Graffiti also plays a role in making art more accessible not only to museums and galleries but also to the general public.割を果たします。
And graffiti is used as a means to convey social issues and political messages. Artists draw messages and images on walls to raise awareness and encourage social change. Graffiti Attract attention to social issues in a visible way and encourage discussion and actionを促進します。
Graffiti artists often create mutual understanding and empathy through interaction with people with different backgrounds and opinions, reflecting the diverse cultures and communities that develop around the world and reflecting local identity and diversity. This will promote social interaction and create a sense of solidarity and harmony in society as a whole.が生まれます。
Today, graffiti culture plays an important role in art, urban dynamism, and social awareness.ます。



There is a book that will be released soon at HUNT TOKYO。
Beyond the Streets introduces emerging and established artists with roots in graffiti and street art.介するCONTROL GalleryFirst exhibition of「POST GRAFFITI」The official catalog has arrived. This catalog also features images of rare ephemera from Roger Gastman's personal archives.ています。
Foreign books have more information than you can find in Japan.す。
Check out foreign books about information and culture that you can't find in Japan.。
Nowadays, there are mobile apps that translate just by taking a photo.、
You can read foreign books more easily than before.。
This is a foreign book that is only available at Hunt Tokyo in Japan, so if you are interested in graffiti street arts, please give it a try.い。

featured artists:
Blake Kunin, CHITO, Conor Harrington, CRASH, Eric HAZE, Felipe Pantone, FUTURA2000, Gregory Rick, KATSU, Kenny Scharf, Lady Pink, MADSAKI, Maya Hayuk, Nehemiah Cisneros, Othelo Gervacio, Ozzie Juarez, Paul Flores, Paul Insect, POSE , Timothy Curtis,  Todd James

POST GRAFFITIteeth、2022Year9Monthtwenty fourfrom the dayTenMonthtwenty twoIt was released at the exhibition held until。This catalog is a valuable foreign book that is limited edition and will not be reprinted in the future.す。
page: 145P
Size 280mm 215mmmm
¥5,500 (tax included)

On sale from 11:00 on 2023/06/21
Limited quantity available。

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