Mikko Heino 4 original drawings lottery announcement

Mikko Heino 原画4作品 抽選のお知らせ - Hunt Tokyo

Mikko Heino Lottery sale announcement
Applications will be accepted from 11:00 on Saturday, March 9th to 23:59 on Sunday, March 10th

From Mikko Heino, an illustrator based in Berlin, Germany
I am delighted to be able to present my new work at HUNT TOKYO.。
We will be releasing four art paintings at Hunt Tokyo.す。

Please note that all original paintings are one-of-a-kind items.い。
The release of these four works will all be done by lottery.。

First piece:
-Title: Limp Flower
- Acrylic on paper
- Size: 25cm 25cm, 20244
- Price: 36,300 taxin (JPY) + Free shipping within Japan / USD 240 / 220 + shippingng
- Edition: 1/1
- Picture frame not included

Second piece:
-Title: Trash
- Acrylic on paper
- Size: 27cm 29cm, 20200
- Price: 36,300 taxin (JPY) + Free shipping within Japan / USD 240 / 220 + shippingng
- Edition: 1/1
- Picture frame not included

The third piece:
- Title: Composition
- Acrylic on paper
- Size: 25cm 30cm, 20244
- Price: 45,100 taxin (JPY) + Free shipping within Japan / USD 298 / 275 + shippingng
- Edition: 1/1
- Picture frame not included

The fourth piece:
- Title: Flora & Fauna
- Acrylic on paper
- Size: 36cm 46cm, 20244
- Price: 110,000 taxin (JPY) + Free shipping within Japan / USD 728 / 665 + shippingng
- Edition: 1/1
- Picture frame not included

Mikko Heino is a Finnish visual artist based in Berlin, Germany. With a background in graphic design and inspired by comics, cartoons, skateboarding and popular culture, his bold, simplistic works transform cartoon-like spaces and objects into adult I am searching with the thoughts ofで探求しています。

The seemingly happy and colorful paintings have a dark atmosphere.....

He is one of our favorite artists and has been sold by Hunt Tokyo since its early days.His original works will draw you into his world every time you see them.ょう。
The painting being released this time will be a one-of-a-kind original version (original artwork) for sale.。
Because it is an original, it is a very rare and valuable piece.。

■Lottery sale application period
Lottery applications available from March 9th (Sat) 11:00 to March 10th (Sun) 23:59

■Winners will be notified
March 11th (Monday) 12:00pm ~

■How to apply for lottery sale
1. The lottery will be held only on the new Hunt Tokyo website (it will not be held on the STORES website))
The new site URL is: Hunttokyo.com
Please enter the necessary information on the product purchase page. Once payment is completed, lottery application is complete.了。
*If you are not selected, we will refund your payment by canceling the payment at a later date.す。
*Please note that depending on the payment method used, it may take some time to refund your money.せ。

2. Sign up for the simple e-mail newsletter by entering your e-mail address and receive the lottery e-mail.い。
You can register for the e-mail newsletter from the green POP on the shop page.。
If you have already registered, there is no need to re-register.。

3. Go to the relevant product page, complete the payment, and your application will be complete.す。
If you are not selected, your payment will be canceled and you will receive a cancellation notice, so please check your registered email.さい。

■How to purchase
The lucky winner will be sent a winning email and a link to the payment cart to the email address entered when applying from 12:00 on Monday, March 11th.す。
*The payment URL is for you only.。
*If payment is confirmed by someone other than the person in question, the transaction will be canceled.。
*If payment is not made within the specified period, your order will be cancelled.。
*Please note that we cannot accept cancellations after payment has been made.い。

■About the second lottery
*If payment is not made during the purchase period and the item is canceled, we may hold a new lottery and contact you after 12:00 on Tuesday, March 12th.す。
*If the re-draw is cancelled, we will hold regular sales.。

■About Shipping
All items will be delivered by delivery.。
*The artwork is stored in Germany and will be shipped to the buyer in late March. Please note that in some cases the shipment may be earlier or later.いませ。
*Shipping fee will be charged separately。
*Please note that we cannot accept requests for specific delivery dates and times.せ。
*Depending on the purchaser's location, we will decide whether to ship from Japan or Germany.ます。

*Please note that we cannot accept returns or exchanges for reasons of customer convenience after the prize has been won.ます。
*This lottery application is limited to one application per person. Multiple applications will be invalidated.ます。
*Lottery items cannot be purchased at the same time as other items.。
*Customers who apply using a method different from the application method may have their application invalidated during the application period.す。

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