OBJT by Lee Geonmin "LONELY" INCENSE HOLDER インセンス ホルダー "ロンリー" お香立て - Hunt Tokyo


Ø15 x H2.5 (cm)

Material: Solid Brass
Bottom: Solid beech or Solid Walnut (beech & walnut)

Components & Compatibility
* This product does not include income
* This product is compatible with incense, which made with hard wooden wicks.
wooden wick is compatible (but less than 2mm thick like MUJI's products).

Configuration & Compatibility
* Please note that this product does not come with incense.
* Please use this product with incense made of hard wood.
Most commercially available wooden incense can be used.
Please note that some sizes do not fit.
(Less than 2mm can be used like MUJI products)

OBJT by Lee jeon min

OBJT is a design product brand launched in Seoul in 2017 by Korean designer Lee jeon-min.
Focusing on the pure aspects of material and formwork, Lee has set the core theme of the brand to create functional objects.
He wants to create things with the aim of finding the intersection of both practical points that can function well in real life,
and points where the purest material, processing and formability are not damaged as much as possible.

What are OBJTs:
"OBJT" is a brand launched by Korean designer Lee jeon min in Seoul in 2017.
Focusing on the pure aspects of materials and formwork, he defined the brand's core theme to create functional objects.
He wants to make things with the goal of finding the intersection of being practical and working well in real life.
And the purest materials, processing and moldability are preserved as far as possible.

Read me:
* Depending on the type of incense and the temperature and humidity, there may be differences in the speed at which the incense burns.
* Do not use infants or pets.
* Ventilation is required after incense burning.
* The color of the product may differ depending on the screen setting and the contrast, and this image may differ slightly from the actual product.
* Due to the nature of the material, the aging takes place over time by oxidation due to air and moisture.
* In order to restore the initial shine, metal abrasive (metal polish etc.) can be wiped with cloth to restore original shine.
* The wood part surface may turn white due to moisture. This is normal and if you want to regain gloss again, rub the wax for wood with dry cloth.
* * Since most of the production process is made by handmade, it is possible to have the appearance of natural handmade (small defects, hairline, etc.).

Read me:
* Speed may vary depending on the type of incense, temperature, and humidity.
*This product has a unique structure that burns upside down, so the burning speed may be slightly faster than that of other manufacturers.
*Do not use near infants or pets.
*Please ventilate after burning incense.
*Product colors may vary due to screen settings and contrast. Slight color difference from the actual product.
* Due to the nature of the material, aging occurs over time due to oxidation by air and moisture.
*In order to restore the initial shine, you can wipe the metal polish with a cloth to restore the original shine.
*The wood surface may turn white due to moisture. This is normal and if you want the luster back, wipe the wax on the wood with a dry cloth.
*As most of the production process is HANDMADE, there may be some natural hand-made appearance (small imperfections, fine lines, etc.).

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