LIGHT OFF MOUSE MONO 予約のお知らせ - Hunt Tokyo


10/11 (Sat) 11:00 - 10/12 (Sun) 23:59 Reservations can only be made for 2 days.。
Please note that the reservation deadline ends at 23:59 on the 12th.。
Proceed to payment from the product page and your reservation will be complete when payment is completed.す。
Please note that the purchase button will be automatically closed once the reservation time has passed.。

We are very happy to be able to sell works by Italian artist RX STRIP, one of our favorite artists who has been selling works by HUNT TOKYO since its early days.た。
There's a reason we sell his pop art pieces。

RX STRIP's artwork includes a lot of pop and visual playfulness.、
Provides philosophical and spiritual insight。
It gives us inspiration to re-understand other worlds and realities.。

We hope that his artwork will give viewers the opportunity to explore the essence and depth of things and help them gain new perspectives and insights.ます。

In a society overflowing with material things, he is an artist who approaches the essence of things in order to not stop thinking and not be eclipsed by entertainment and SNS.す。

Quantity this time量
Art figures available for pre-order only、

Like a modern-day "St. Francis," the "light-off mouse" strips away everything about himself to become a star in a sham society.ぎ取る。
This art workpop paradoxThis is an art figure by。
means a work of art by paradox。
This design is based on the paradox theory that the truth may actually be hidden behind what seems to be true.。

This Mono Edition will not be reproduced. Therefore, it is a one-time only edition and those who wish to obtain it should make a reservation as soon as possible.さい。

Light Off Mouse is by @rxstrip
Comes with a certificate signed by RX himself.。

MaterialPolystone resinn
Delivery Q1 2024期

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