Hunt tokyo

CONTROL Gallery"Exhibition 001:POST GRAFFITI"Catalog
Graffiti provides freedom of expression for individuals and groups. Artists convey social messages and seek aesthetic value by reflecting their identities and emotions on walls and public spaces. Graffiti stimulates creativity. It is also an important place for young people...
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History of jigsaw puzzles...
The history of puzzles dates back thousands of years to the time of ancient civilizations. The first jigsaw puzzles were created in England in the 18th century. According to history books, it began when a map of Europe was pasted...
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20th May 11:00 JST Pre-order
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Art toys by we art doing, which will be available for pre-order from 11am on Saturday, May 20th, have arrived. This art toy is inspired by Zygmunt Bauman's idea of ​​``liquid modernity'', where change is the only permanence and uncertainty...
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Fools paradise"the fools element"
Fools Paradise"THE FOOLS ELEMENT" A humorous and tasteful art figure that combines a design inspired by the classic 90's movie The Fifth Element with elements of parody has arrived. It is a work that successfully expresses the impact of a...
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